2024 BLIA Europe Fellowship Meeting - General Guidelines

1. Subject: To promote culture exchange of BLIA members in Europe.

2. Supervising Organisation: BLIA World Headquarters

3. Organisers: BLIA Europe Fellowship Committee

4. Host Organizer: BLIA Berlin, Germany

5. Dates: Meeting Schedule 21~22 June, 2024 (Friday~ Saturday)

6. Venue:

 7. Eligible Participants:

BLIA Chapter and subchapter executives, including elder advisors, presidents, treasurers, secretaries etc. or BLIA members recommended by chapter presidents or monastic advisors. 

8. Fees:

9. Registration:

10. Please note:

11. Bank Account Details:
Account Name: Fo-Guang-Shan Tempel, Berlin e.V.
Bank: Landesbank Berlin AG-Berliner Sparkasse,
Bank Address: Alexanderplatz 2, 10178 Berlin, Germany
IBAN: DE43100500000370014316
Address: Ackerstrasse 85-86, 13355 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49304137621

12. Contacts:

13. Remarks:
Please purchase air tickets for Airport Berlin Brandenburg.